Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass
Osclass theme support => Free themes => Patricia Osclass Responsive Theme => Topic started by: user on March 11, 2016, 10:30:44 PM
I have some questions on Patricia theme I have purchased 2 months ago. This is just great theme :)
1. I need to remove some blocks like "We found your location" and some info shown on listing page like "Published", "Seller" etc... So, I know I need to remove or comment the relevant code from the relevant theme file. The question is: Do I need to comment the code (responsible to show some block or info) just from one file, or I will need to modify another theme or core Osclass files, in order to properly and completely disable/remove some blocks or info shown on the listing or home page?
2. On the listing page there is link in the intro description named "Show more" to shows full description of the listing. How to disable that function, and to shows directly the entire description? I think this must be introduced as option of the theme settings.
3. Inside the theme zip file there is another zip named Plugins? What is the correct way I istall the supplied plugins? Do I need first to unzip theme, remove from inside the theme folder, than zip the theme again and finally upload and install the theme via Osclass admin?
4. How to remove or disable some blocks of info from the mobile version only, while in the same time the disabled blocks or info remains active in the desctop version? For example when the listing is shown on mobile phone, first all the screen is populated (from top to bottom ) with the site logo, search box, location and publish, navigation bar, advanced search, categories list and QR code, so in order for the users to see the listing, they need to scroll the page. I need to disable or move down some of above blocks like search box, advanced search etc, so the listing to be shown on the mobile screen without need to scroll the page. How to do this?
5. I have a big problem trying to have price field to allow text to be entered.
I just need price to be shown in this way: Price: 15 - 50 $, in other words, price field to accept price range. I need also price field to allow text to be entered along with the price. I searched Osclass forum, but did not found any usefull topic to resolve this issue. It seems that price validation need some corrections, but I do not understand well PHP language. And how the price search slider will function if the price format is changed to be shown as price range?
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, my location can be removed in the admin panel
1) Some sections can be hidden via theme settings, others via CSS, not problem there
2) In case description is 5000 characters length, design might not looks so cool. Answer is there: (
3) Inside theme is also readme file that will tell you how to
4) You need to define CSS for that in block related to device width. Check responsive.css for reference
5) Price field will never accept strings