More about highlighted listingsYou could highlight some listings in the search pages with this option, but you need to modify your theme first.. There are a few useful functions for highlighted listings."payment_pro_is_highlighted($id)" accepts an $id as parameter (optional) and will return true/false if a listings is or not highlighted."payment_pro_print_highlight_class($id)" accepts an $id as parameter (optional) and will print the highlight class "payment-pro-highlighted"osc_run_hook("highlight_class") will also print the highlight class and it is safe, meaning that it will not output any error even if the plugin is disabledSetting up your themeIn order to use the highlighted listing feature, you need to make a minimal modification to your theme.: In the search page template, you need to add the following in the class attribute of the div of the listing class="<?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>" (Note: you probably already have a class attribute, in that case, just add the osc_run_hook part)ExamplesIn bender theme, you need to modify the file loop-single.php. Look for line 24, change it from . <li class="listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){ echo ' premium'; } ?>"> to. <li class="<?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?> listing-card <?php echo $class; if(osc_item_is_premium()){ echo ' premium'; } ?>">