Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass

Osclass theme support => Free themes => Patricia Osclass Responsive Theme => Topic started by: BabyDunk on June 22, 2016, 03:47:55 PM

Title: style for "send to friend" responsive not good
Post by: BabyDunk on June 22, 2016, 03:47:55 PM
Hi Frosticek

i find the style for "send to friend" layout very bad  when you go responsive.

i think its much better if these  lines where changed
Code: [Select]
#friend .third {width:48%;float:left;margin-right:2%;margin-bottom:10px;clear:both}
#friend .four {width:48%;float:right;margin-left:2%;}

to this
Code: [Select]
#friend .third {width:100%;float:left;margin-right:2%;margin-bottom:10px;}
#friend .four {width:100%;float:right;margin-left:2%;}

i know it takes up abit more space on the desktop version but responsive is alot neater throughout.

Title: Re: style for "send to friend" responsive not good
Post by: MB Themes on June 22, 2016, 05:37:53 PM
On responsive view, these lines are expanded to be full width.
Title: Re: style for "send to friend" responsive not good
Post by: BabyDunk on June 25, 2016, 11:29:17 AM
they do not Frosticek. check your own demo for responsive (

they stay in columns  and things just get abit untidy in responsive under 504px

Title: Re: style for "send to friend" responsive not good
Post by: BabyDunk on June 25, 2016, 12:21:40 PM
i reverted back the style in style.css

Code: [Select]
#friend .third {width:48%;float:left;margin-right:2%;margin-bottom:10px;clear:both}
#friend .four {width:48%;float:right;margin-left:2%;}

and placed this in the responsive.css
Code: [Select]
@media screen and (max-width: 515px){   
  #friend .third {width:100%;float:left;margin-right:2%;margin-bottom:10px;}
  #friend .four {width:100%;float:right;margin-left:2%;}

everything looking good now mater the screen resolution

ps:i was a dummy, dont know why i didnt do the @media command to begin with :-/ lol

Title: Re: style for "send to friend" responsive not good
Post by: abogoud on July 04, 2016, 01:45:45 AM