@osclassicYour idea make sense, only if you have the type of "marketplace" with 3-4 sellers, a few customers, and you don't really care about your site's image.
we can put a clause on the site saying that buyers and sellers are responsible for any payment/item delivery issues and they can deal with each other (not the site)
I don't know how long you have run/worked with marketplaces, but I currently run my own store that functions on 2 big marketplaces, I have a 10 year experience in eCommerce and a wife which is an Operations Manager at an online payment processing company.
From my humble experience above, I can tell you that only about 30% of the
customers will read the infos on a website, and from that 30%, around 15% will actually care...
Every time a transaction occurs on
YOUR platform, it's between your platform and the customer (this is what happens in the mind of a customer).
If you get mugged on the streets, what do you do? You go to the Police.
Now this is what the customer will do. Contact
YOU and ask for his money back.
And when you start having a bunch of bad sellers that scam people, guess what will happen? The customers will go online and start writing reviews like:
don't go to thatwebsite.com because it's full of scammers and you'll lose your money!And also from experience, I know that in 2022, reviews can make or break a business.
The second part of the story, is that by liberalizing the payment system for everyone, you lose control of the quality aspect of your website (quality sellers, quality products etc.), because holding money = LEVERAGE.
Basically you are like an Escrow system between the customer and the seller.
Also, in the civilized world, you have to sign a contract between your company and the seller, and if you perform due diligence the right way before signing the contract, you can prevent actual issues with future disputes from bad sellers.
Third part is that by using your suggestion, you won't be able to commission a seller's transactions, and because of reverse LEVERAGE - you'll wait on him to pay you, if he wants, and if not, your only tool will be to disable his account, which will make him laugh and keep the money...
Fourth part is the
CODING aspect of this feature. Here I won't enter into too many details for obvious reasons, but I'll just give you a couple hints like:
- Separate payment settings for every seller: new database tables, functions etc.
Plus the sellers will start contacting you with: Hey, I don't want to use that payment company, because for X reason I can't sign a contract with them. Give me the Y company! - Separate transaction history for every seller: new database tables, functions etc.
So like I said, this makes sense if you don't really care about growing and just want to make some bucks regardless of what happens.
No professional marketplace I've ever seen, has opened the payment system to everyone.