General discussion / Re: reCaptcha / Listing active days / Deactivate listing / Issues
« Last post by katalin2k on Yesterday at 08:17:12 PM »@katalin2kI still can't see the activate button. I have the activation permalink but can't see it in frontend. Can you please help fix this?
Try to re-save permalink settings, "reactivate" url is pretty new and may be missing in your config.
When you resave, it should get updated.
LE: I found that the republish_link_raw function doesn't exist, that's why it doesn't work properly.
[20-Nov-2024 21:30:17 Europe/Bucharest] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function republish_link_raw() in /home/hosting/public_html/oc-content/themes/zeta/user-items.php:139
Moreover that whole thing lacks a bit of logic because if you deactivate a listing it goes into pending approval instead of going into a separate page "Deactivated listings". Please come up with a fix for this because it's very important!