I'm starting to explore API's and the one that interests me most is the Osclass API.
I've installed the plugin on a test site and created my test API key for all operations, Read, Insert, Update, Delete.
Tried some simple operations like reading region and other tables successfully, i have used postman and SoapUI and also some code to perform the tests.
Now i'm trying to explore additional types, objects and actions.
One specificaly i'm trying is to insert ads, so i went to the great help page on the plugin and looked for the insert type and add action of object item.
However i'm having some difficulty as i get 500 error for this API call.
I had the must add picture plugin activated but the result is the same with it deativated.
While exploring the help on the plugin i can't find the attributes that are required, but i believe it can be explored somewhere.
Can someone guide me on how should i use the API and where can i find the attributes to get into the add action, and other actions ?