The issue has already been resolved!
If anyone is interested, here's what you need to do to make ONLINE look attractive.
To do this you need to replace the line -
oc-content/themes/sigma/item-sidebar.php -
Line 59 -
<?php echo (osc_user_is_online(osc_item_user_id()) ? '<span class="is-online">(' . __('ONLINE', 'sigma') . ')</span>' : ''); ?></p>Here's a line like this -
class="keywords"><?php echo (osc_user_is_online(osc_item_user_id()) ? '<span class="is-online">(' . __('ONLINE', 'sigma') . ')</span>' : ''); ?></p></b>Be sure to add this code to -
oc-content/themes/sigma/css/style.css -
.keywords {
color: #00b906;