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Css/html issue caused by Favorites plugin need help with css/html
« on: September 21, 2023, 10:08:32 AM »
Nearly all works great but I have an issue caused by the Favorite Items plugin

Please see screenshot of my site  I cant post link but it is gold-classifieds.com
On the far right is a yellow star produced by the favorite items plugin. This should not be there. It should be near item title
I have had extensive talks with the dev who does not know sigma theme. I have placed the plugin line 27 loop-single.php     and it works fine with category view and new listings view etc but not on the item page. where it is too far to the right. THIS IS NOT A PLUGIN ISSUE AS IT WORKS. IT SEEMS TO BE A CSS/HTML ISSUE

Please can you help as I am at a complete loss and have spent days on this happy to donate. Everything else works perfecxtly

Many thanks


1/ the dev instructions are

All themes bought at OsclassPoint.com has already plugin pre-integrated, however for themes from other authors modifications may be required. Make favorite button Code must be entered inside item-loop.php or inside while(osc_has_items()) { ... } loop:
<?php echo fi_make_favorite(); ?>

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 Osclass information
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Osclass v8.1.2 / Docs / Forums / Official Market



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Re: Css/html issue caused by Favorites plugin need help with css/html
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2023, 10:18:00 AM »
Forgot to say the mark "X" is where the star should be.


MB Themes

Re: Css/html issue caused by Favorites plugin need help with css/html
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2023, 04:19:14 PM »
Not visible on your site.
Put position:relative; to parent div/block.
That's it.
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