Hi,i really enjoy the sigma theme.
Naturally that there allways some files that need to be changed in order to adapt for some plugins, but usually one want's to change, adapt, something in the look.
So i selected sigma the be start engine of my Osclass, with some adjustments and changes in the look, it'll be an awesome starting Point, most likely for the next theme I'll go with Veronica, but for my testing and learning i'm starting with sigma.
For that, i would like to duplicate sigma to a new theme and do my changes there.
I followed instructions on this page:
However the new theme doesn't show on the Appearence/Manage Theme option in Osclass admin interface.
The summary steps for doing copying the theme were as follows:
1 - copied the folder form osclass/oc-content/themes/sigma to osclass/oc-content/themes/new-theme-sigma.
2 - opened the files with IDE, made a find and replace in all files: find "sigma", replace with "new-theme-sigma".
The new theme however does not show in the "Appearence/Manage Themes" Option".
Any missing step ? or an idea where to check ?