Hi - I would like to hide empty categories from the search sidebar. The search-sidebar.php calls the script below from the theme functions.php but I don't know how to modify it so it only shows categories with one or more entry in. Does anyone here know how to do this?
function sigma_sidebar_category_search($catId = null)
$aCategories = array();
if($catId==null || $catId <= 0) {
$aCategories[] = Category::newInstance()->findRootCategoriesEnabled();
} else {
// if parent category, only show parent categories
$aCategories = Category::newInstance()->toRootTree($catId);
$cat = current($aCategories);
// if is parent of some category
$childCategories = Category::newInstance()->findSubcategoriesEnabled($cat['pk_i_id']);
if(count($childCategories) > 0) {
$aCategories[] = $childCategories;
if(count($aCategories) == 0) {
return "";
sigma_print_sidebar_category_search($aCategories, $catId);
function sigma_print_sidebar_category_search($aCategories, $current_category = null, $i = 0)
$class = '';
if(!isset($aCategories[$i])) {
return null;
if($i===0) {
$class = 'class="category"';
$c = $aCategories[$i];
if(!isset($c['pk_i_id'])) {
echo '<ul '.$class.'>';
if($i==1) {
echo '<li><a href="'.osc_esc_html(osc_update_search_url(array('sCategory'=>null, 'iPage'=>null))).'">'.__('All categories', 'sigma')."</a></li>";
foreach($c as $key => $value) {
<a id="cat_<?php echo osc_esc_html($value['pk_i_id']);?>" href="<?php echo osc_esc_html(osc_update_search_url(array('sCategory'=> $value['pk_i_id'], 'iPage'=>null))); ?>">
<?php if(isset($current_category) && $current_category == $value['pk_i_id']){ echo '<strong>'.$value['s_name'].'</strong>'; }
else{ echo $value['s_name']; } ?>
if($i==1) {
echo "</ul>";
} else {
echo "</ul>";
} else {
<ul <?php echo $class;?>>
<?php if($i==1) { ?>
<li><a href="<?php echo osc_esc_html(osc_update_search_url(array('sCategory'=>null, 'iPage'=>null))); ?>"><?php _e('All categories', 'sigma'); ?></a></li>
<?php } ?>
<a id="cat_<?php echo osc_esc_html($c['pk_i_id']);?>" href="<?php echo osc_esc_html(osc_update_search_url(array('sCategory'=> $c['pk_i_id'], 'iPage'=>null))); ?>">
<?php if(isset($current_category) && $current_category == $c['pk_i_id']){ echo '<strong>'.$c['s_name'].'</strong>'; }
else{ echo $c['s_name']; } ?>
<?php sigma_print_sidebar_category_search($aCategories, $current_category, $i); ?>
<?php if($i==1) { ?>
<?php } ?>