I have figured out how to sort things for listing searches.
The file you need is osclass\oc-includes\osclass\helpers\hSearch.php
line 46 to 60
function osc_list_orders() {
if (osc_price_enabled_at_items()) {
return osc_apply_filter('search_list_orders', array(
__('Newly listed') => array('sOrder' => 'dt_pub_date', 'iOrderType' => 'desc'),
__('Lower price first') => array('sOrder' => 'i_price', 'iOrderType' => 'asc'),
__('Higher price first') => array('sOrder' => 'i_price', 'iOrderType' => 'desc')
else {
return osc_apply_filter('search_list_orders', array(
__('Newly listed') => array('sOrder' => 'dt_pub_date', 'iOrderType' => 'desc')
you can add code
__('Oldest listing') => array('sOrder' => 'dt_pub_date', 'iOrderType' => 'asc')
after both
__('Newly listed') => array('sOrder' => 'dt_pub_date', 'iOrderType' => 'desc')
and you can probably add other sorting options by changing the dt_pub_date
asc is for ascending and desc is for descending.
Why MB Themes refused to suggest this is beyond me, but at least everyone knows where the sorting options are.