Requirements- have a logo for the new favicon of your site. (PNG, SVG, JPG)> (260Px X 260pX)
- we will need the site
- Edit: / public_html / oc-content / themes / sigma / head.php
On the site choose the icon image with the button "Select Your Favicon Image"
Once generated, at the bottom of the page press the button "Generate your Favicon and HTML code"
Follow the steps
1 Download your package:
2 Extract this package in the root of your web site. If your site is, you should be able to access a file named
3 Insert the following code in the <head> section of your pages:(Copy the code)
4 go to your theme's edited head.php file
Where do you read:
<! - favicon ->
Delete all this content
up to here .. and replace with the new generated code
<! - favicon ->
5 It should look like this:
<! - favicon ->
<link rel = "apple-touch-icon" sizes = "180x180" href = "/ apple-touch-icon.png">
<link rel = "icon" type = "image / png" sizes = "32x32" href = "/ favicon-32x32.png">
<link rel = "icon" type = "image / png" sizes = "16x16" href = "/ favicon-16x16.png">
<link rel = "manifest" href = "/ site.webmanifest">
<link rel = "mask-icon" href = "/ safari-pinned-tab.svg" color = "# 5bbad5">
<meta name = "msapplication-TileColor" content = "# da532c">
<meta name = "theme-color" content = "# ffffff">
<! - favicon ->
That's all, once the page is updated you should see the new favicon.
One of my sites with osclass where I modify the favicon with these steps. from Argentina...