Reason is simple, you have 15k listings, but only 128MB of memory.
With this memory it is not even possible to count all listings in front end.
Try to go to this file:
Find code:
public function countItems() {
$this->dao->select('COUNT(*) total_count');
$this->dao->from( $this->getTable_Item() );
$result = $this->dao->get();
if( !$result ) { return array(); }
return $result->row();
replace to:
public function countItems() {
$this->dao->select('COUNT(*) total_count');
$this->dao->from( $this->getTable_Item() );
$this->dao->limit( 1000 );
$result = $this->dao->get();
if( !$result ) { return array(); }
return $result->row();