how to display categories subcategories name two times on home page.
We want to display categories on mobile sidebar and on desktop home page
we are using below code but its showing categories once only on home page not 2 times. we put code 2 times but showing 1 time only. please help
<?php while(osc_has_categories()) { ?>
<?php $search_params1['sCategory'] = osc_category_id(); ?>
if($root_cat_id1 <> '' and $root_cat_id1 <> 0) {
if($root_cat_id1 <> osc_category_id()) {
$cat_class1 = '';
} else {
$cat_class1 = ' active';
} else {
$cat_class1 = '';
$color1 = starter_get_cat_color(osc_category_id());
rel="<?php echo osc_category_id(); ?>"
<?php if(osc_is_home_page()) { ?>href="#ct<?php echo osc_category_id(); ?>"<?php } else { ?>href="<?php echo osc_search_url($search_params1); ?>"<?php } ?>
class="<?php if(osc_is_home_page()) { ?>open-home-cat<?php } ?><?php echo $cat_class1; ?>"
> <span class="icon "><?php echo starter_get_cat_icon( osc_category_id()); ?></span>
<span> <?php echo osc_category_name(); ?></span>
<?php } ?>