The reset button does not work fine. Input location box is not reset, deleted. It remains complete with the previously searched location instead of being empty.
Example ... We are looking for an XY location that was assigned 10 records out of 100 ... okay. Displaying is XY with 10 ads out of 100
I call the more-filters button. It resets the search and category fields, displays all 100 records, but the location field remains filled with the XY location, though it should have been empty.
I went to search.php and I searched for:
<a href="<?php echo osc_search_url(array('page' => 'search', 'clearCookieAll' => 'done'));?> "class =" clear-search <? php echo $ side;? >> <i class = "fa fa-times"> </ i> & nbsp; & nbsp; <? php _e ('Reset filter', 'stela'); ?> </a>
I replaced it with:
<a href="<?php echo osc_search_url(array('page' => 'search', 'clearCookieAll' => 'done'));?> "clear-search clear-cookie <? php echo $ side;?> "> <i class =" fa fa-times "> </ i> & nbsp; <? php _e ('Reset filter', 'stela'); ?> </a>
Now everything is very good.
Perhaps this post will use someone.