on file item.php
change this:
$mobile = '';
if($mobile == '') { $mobile = osc_user_city_area(); }
for this:
$mobile = '';
if($mobile == '') { $mobile = osc_user_phone(); }
at the same file... find a DIV named as "item location" and add this:
<?php if ( osc_item_city_area() != "" ) { ?><div class="left <?php if($switcher == -1) { echo 'strong';} else {echo 'weak';} ?>"><?php _e("Bairro", 'tatiana'); ?></div><div class="right <?php if($switcher == -1) { echo 'strong';} else {echo 'weak';} if($many == 1) {$switcher = $switcher * (-1); $many = 0;} else {$many = 1;} ?>"><?php echo osc_item_city_area(); ?></div><?php } ?>
now on item-edit.php
find the DIV named as "box location" and add this:
<div class="row">
<label><?php _e('City Area', 'tatiana'); ?></label>
<?php ItemForm::city_area_text(); ?>
now, on item-post.php
find the DIV named as "box location" and add this:
<div class="row">
<label><?php _e('City Area', 'tatiana'); ?></label>
<?php ItemForm::city_area_text(); ?>
and find this:
<div class="row">
<label for="contactEmail">
and put all this code below in above (or else where you want)
<div class="row">
<label for="cityarea"><?php _e('City Area', 'tatiana'); ?></label>
<?php ItemForm::city_area_text(osc_user()) ; ?>
ui user-profile.php find this:
<div class="row">
<label for="city"><span><?php _e('City', 'tatiana') ; ?></span><span class="req">*</span></label>
<?php UserForm::city_select($user['fk_i_region_id'] <> '' ? osc_get_cities($user['fk_i_region_id']) : '', osc_user()) ; ?>
and put this code below:
<div class="row">
<label for="city_area"><?php _e('cityArea', 'tatiana') ; ?></label>
<?php UserForm::city_area_text(osc_user()) ; ?>
ao, now open the frm.php located on oc-admin\themes\modern\items
and add this code below on City DIV:
<div class="input-has-placeholder input-separate-top">
<label><?php _e('City area'); ?></label>
<?php ItemForm::city_area_text(); ?>
and that´s it, save all and upload in ur site.