I'm asking for help ...
in item.php there is a function:
<? php if (function_exists ('seller_post')) {if (osc_item_user_id ()! = 0) {?>?? php seller_post (); ?> <span class = "num"> (<? php $ user = User :: newInstance () -> findByPrimaryKey (osc_item_user_id ()); $ num_items_user = $ user ['i_items'; echo $ num_items_user; </ span> <? php} else {echo '<span>'. __ ('Unregistered user', 'tatiana'). '</ span>';}} else {echo '<span>'. __ ('Unregistered user', 'tatiana'). '<span>';}?>
<a href="<?php echo osc_item_send_friend_url(); ?> "rel =" nofollow "> <? php _e ('Send to friend', 'tatiana'); ?> </a>
I would like only registered users to send mail with message to avoid spamming.
Thank you