regions are limited to 9 only on Sigma Theme , What is the problem with the code? i have 12 regions, how can i view them all...?
My site:
https://jordanindex.netthis is the code of the side bar,
<div id="sidebar">
<?php if( osc_get_preference('sidebar-300x250', 'sigma') != '') { ?>
<div class="ads_300"><?php echo osc_get_preference('sidebar-300x250', 'sigma'); ?></div>
<?php } ?>
<div id="home-regs">
<h2><?php _e('All locations', 'sigma'); ?></h2>
<div class="wrap">
<?php $regions = RegionStats::newInstance()->listRegions('%%%%', '>', 'i_num_items DESC'); ?>
<?php $i=1; ?>
<?php foreach($regions as $r) { ?>
<?php if($i <= 20) { ?>
<div><a href="<?php echo osc_search_url(array('page' => 'search', 'sRegion' => $r['pk_i_id']));?>"><i class="fas fa-location-arrow"></i> <span><?php echo $r['s_name']; ?></span> <em>(<?php echo $r['i_num_items']; ?>)</em></a></div>
<?php $i++; ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>