I agree with you but,
what about this page...
http://localhost.com/os/banner-review/%7BclientKey%7D how this page url rewrite issue will be solved.
I agree with your quote, &clientKey=123 , but instead it will be better if client page could work.
pls, let me know, where I have to modify .........
<?php _e('Banner review', 'advertisement_manager'); ?>
<?php if($client_key <> '') { ?>
<?php _e('for client', 'advertisement_manager'); ?> <strong><?php echo $client_key; ?></strong>
<?php } ?>
<?php if(!isset($banner['b_id']) or $banner['b_id'] == '') { ?>
<?php if($client_key <> '' and $banner['b_id'] == '') { ?>
<div class="rev-error">
<?php echo __('Your client key', 'advertisement_manager') . ' <strong>' . $client_key . '</strong> ' . __('was not recognized!', 'advertisement_manager') ; ?>
<?php } ?>
<form class="row" action="<?php echo osc_route_url('banner-review'); ?>" method="post">
<label for="clientKey"><?php _e('Enter your client key', 'advertisement_manager'); ?></label>
<input name="clientKey" id="clientKey" maxlength=8 />
<button type="submit"><?php _e('Search', 'advertisement_manager'); ?></button>