Think that I found an error or a bug.
For instance, I searched for all ads in the Kansas region. The result:
https://veronika.mb-themes.com/search/country,us/region,782058/sOrder,dt_pub_date/iOrderType,desc/category,1The chosen category is: For Sale.
As you can see, the website show me that Animals category has 8 ads, Books has 3 ads, Mobile Phones has 4 ads, Tablets has 2 ads.
So, any client and I tested with some, think that if they press the named category they will find all the ads from KANSAS from those categories.
BUT if you click Animals, Books, Mobile categories you will find 0 results. Why, because even if the small number in red shows that the categories has ads, the ads are from OTHER regions.
The only one that contains the ads from Kansas (our selected test region) is Tablets. Why, because Osclass keep the region in the variable. (normal thing)
Think that:
- in the search page, once a region/city is selected the top categories should show the ads already refined within that region only.
Thank you.