in function.php find
function osp_product_to_cart_link($item_id = -1, $quantity = 1, $is_hook = 0)
and add this code to the top of it
function osp_product_to_cart_link_custom($item_id = -1, $quantity = 1, $is_hook = 0) {
$sellers = explode(',', osp_param('seller_users'));
$html = '';
if($item_id == -1) {
$item_id = osc_item_id();
if(osp_param('selling_allow') == 1 && $item_id <> '' && $item_id > 0) {
$item = Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($item_id);
$data = ModelOSP::newInstance()->getItemData($item_id);
$qty = @$data['i_quantity'] > 0 ? @$data['i_quantity'] : 0;
$title = '';
if(@$data['i_sell'] == 1 && (in_array($item['fk_i_user_id'], $sellers) || osp_param('seller_all') == 1)) {
if($item['i_price'] <> '' && $item['i_price'] > 0) {
if(($qty <= 0 && osp_param('stock_management') == 0) || ($item['fk_i_user_id'] == osc_logged_user_id() && osc_is_web_user_logged_in())) {
if($item['fk_i_user_id'] == osc_logged_user_id() && osc_is_web_user_logged_in()) {
$title = osc_esc_html(__('This is your product, you cannot buy it!', 'osclass_pay'));
$html .= '<a class="cart-button btn btn-primary tr1 round3 i-shadow osp-disabled osp-has-tooltip" title="' . $title . '" href="#" onclick="return false;"><i class="fa fa-shopping-basket"></i><span class="top"> ' . __('Add to cart', 'osclass_pay') . '</span>';
} else {
$html .= '<a class="cart-button btn btn-primary tr1 round3 i-shadow" href="' . osp_cart_add(OSP_TYPE_PRODUCT, $quantity, $item['pk_i_id'], round(osp_convert($item['i_price']/1000000, $item['fk_c_currency_code']), 2)) . '"><i class="fa fa-shopping-basket"></i><span class="top">' . __('Add to cart', 'osclass_pay') . '</span>';
if(osp_param('stock_management') == 1 && osp_param('quantity_show') == 1) {
if($qty > 0) {
$html .= '<span class="bot">' . __('Available', 'osclass_pay') . ': <strong>' . $qty . 'x</strong> </span></a>';
} else {
$html .= '<span class="bot osp-disabled">>' . __('Sold out!', 'osclass_pay') . '</span></a>';
return $html;
and then copy css from osclasspoint.com or custom like you want