please sir, reply me.. coz i m facing this problem from sometime when i installed veronika theme. so please give me a solution.. if you will check previous errors then you will see below erros
Undefined index: pk_i_id in /public_html/oc-content/themes/veronika/functions.php on line 483
and below code of function.php line from 479 to 485
} else {
$html = '<select class="sCategory" id="sCategory" name="sCategory">';
$html .= '<option value="" ' . ($root['pk_i_id'] == "" ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . __('All categories', 'veronika') . '</option>';
foreach($categories as $c) {
$html .= '<option ' . ($root['pk_i_id'] == $c['pk_i_id'] ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . ' value="' . $c['pk_i_id'] . '">' . $c['s_name'] . '</option>';
$html .= '</select>';
So please check above code also.. and its just one error.. there are many error logs are showing,,