Thanks for the information.
I try my best and from all the information I find on the net to change, I don't want to give up.
I changed the item-post.php , I realised one more new section and recounter all steps from 1 to 4 now
I update global.js but when I try to ad a new ads it is opens in step two not in one the new one.
"intro" --it is the new step one
$('.post-navigation .btn').click(function(e){
var current = $(this).attr('data-current-step');
var next = $(this).attr('data-next-step');
var prev = $(this).attr('data-prev-step');
var total = parseInt($('fieldset.intro .total-steps').text());
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $('body').offset().top
}, 300);
if( $(this).hasClass('post-next') ) {
// Check for required fields
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"] input, fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"] select, fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"] textarea').each(function(){
if( $(this).attr('id') != 'ir_image_check' && (typeof($(this).attr('id')) == 'undefined' || (typeof($(this).attr('id')) !== 'undefined' && !($(this).attr('id')).startsWith("atr_")))) {
// Fix functionality of image required plugin
if($('input#ir_image_check').length) {
if(current != 3) {
$('input#ir_image_check').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$('input#ir_image_check').attr('disabled', false);
// Fix functionality of attributes plugin
if($('[id^="atr_"]').length) {
if(next != 4) {
$(this).attr('disabled', true);
if($("form[name=item]").valid()) {
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"]').animate({marginLeft: "-1000px", opacity:0}, 300, function(){
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"]').hide(0);
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + next + '"]').css('display', 'inline-block').css('margin-left', '1000px').css('opacity', '0');
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + next + '"]').animate({marginLeft: "0px", opacity:1}, 300);
// Show submit button
if(parseInt(current) == (total-1) && parseInt(next) == total) {
$('.buttons-block').css('display', 'inline-block').css('margin-left', '1000px').css('opacity', '0');
$('.buttons-block').animate({marginLeft: "0px", opacity:1}, 300);
// If there are only 2 steps, hide next button on 2nd step
if(total < 4) {
$(' .post-next').hide(0);
} else {
$(' .post-next').show(0);
// Fix functionality of attributes plugin
if($('[id^="atr_"]').length) {
if(next == 4) {
$(this).attr('disabled', false);
} else if ( $(this).hasClass('post-prev') ) {
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"]').animate({marginLeft: "1000px", opacity:0}, 300, function(){
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + current + '"]').hide(0);
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + prev + '"]').css('display', 'inline-block').css('margin-left', '-1000px').css('opacity', '0');
$('fieldset[data-step-id="' + prev + '"]').animate({marginLeft: "0px", opacity:1}, 300);
// Hide submit button
$('.buttons-block').animate({marginLeft: "1000px", opacity:1}, 300, function() {