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I have a problem when selecting a category that have attributes like "Cars" in home search bar, it shows attributes but when i filter by attribute like Make, it doesn't show items of this Make. The url shown is like this,31/make,2

The other problem is that when I select an other category, it doesn't clear attributes search from the last one. The url shown is like this,15/make,2

Please tell me how to fix this issues.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 01:46:42 PM by amraneo »


MB Themes

It's not clearing attributes, it copy them from category to category. You as site owner use to switch between categories, however users do not. They look for something specific, not just browsing classifieds what they find.
Regarding malfunction of car attributes plugin, I am not able to help you as we did not develop this plugin, it also may be not working anymore.... Not sure, check on osclass forums.
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It's not a problem of the plugin i think, it's a friendly url problem, with this url i have to have items : ",voitures/sOrder,dt_pub_date/iOrderType,desc/make,31" but it doesn't show any items whereas that make contains several items.

When I remove the make : ",voitures/sOrder,dt_pub_date/iOrderType,desc/" it displays all the cars items, i don't understand why I have this problem. In your demo it's working good !!
« Last Edit: July 23, 2017, 04:01:55 AM by amraneo »



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Any answer PLZ ?


MB Themes

Try to use different version of plugin or do not use friendly URLs if it helps...
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I tried the two options, but still don't work, the search doesn't recongnize cars attribute, it's working perfect in your demo and not in my website, i don't know what i missed, plz help me to resolve this problem :(

If you want, i can pm you my url.

Thank you.


MB Themes

It's free plugin, we do not provide support to it. On demo it was simply installed, nothing else. It may depend on osclass version. Contact original author of plugin.
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Marked as best answer by amraneo on July 25, 2017, 01:21:50 PM


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Thank you for your support, I finally found the peroblem and resolve it. It was a plugin conflict.


MB Themes

Cool :)
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