My website is
https://www.hafeez-centre.comI have purchased veronika from
I have installed it.
I am facing few issues:
Feel free to create account or add dummy items there the site is live but have not much serious users.
This is serious issue
1- On search page, Condition and Period filters are not working.
I have used 'Sell' as transaction, and 'used' as condition for many items.
But filters for these are not working.
2- Where is Period in the 'Publish Listing' form? cant see to select and add period?
3- Subscribe Button some times work and sometimes does not. It shows two popups that i am subscribed already.
Then my alert area shows one item 3 times and its the latest item.
What's wrong with subscribe button?
How this subscription works?
On entering email addrerss and clicking buttons
I see same message two or three times (may be popup reloads)
Message is:
"You have already subscribed to this search. You can find alerts you have subscribed for in your account."
Where are my subscriptions list? If i am subscribed, then in my admin area where i can change that when i have no alerts?
I have subscribed, i have no alerts yet and i cant see from where i can unsubscribed from the list i subscribed...
4- City >> Rawalpinid shows me one iphone,PK/region,Punjab/city,Rawalpindi/sOrder,dt_pub_date/iOrderType,desc/category,103Then I click at the Apple category (it has 3 phones in it) from top
It shows me one iphone
There is no indication that its just for city Rawalpindi and there may be other similar items for other cities.
Location ii sidebar is showing Pakistan (country) instead of rawalpindi (city)
If i remove 'Pakistan' from sidebar location field then it shows 3 phones
Is there a way i can clearly show user that he is browsing items for a city and that is why items results are less in search page?
5- Related ads - I used plugin related ads for this and that does not show the scame items from same city. It shows same items from same category but for different cities. I have checked its admin settings and i have selected that show items from same category and same city but it does not work. Any ideas?
6- Register page is one extra field coming >> cell phone
Now if there is 'mobile phone' field - then there is no need for 'cell phone' field.
I have checked and this field is not in the theme files.
I have installed 'Backoffice Manager Pro Plugin' and I thought it was becasue of that but even I deactivate the 'Backoffice Manager Pro Plugin',
that field is still appearing there.
Any ideas how to remove 'cell phone' field from registration form.
7- Where is the ad age/ expiry date? How can admin or any user edit the ad expiry date?
8- I want to show the 'mobile number' always - for registered users and for no-registered users. It is there for registered users but if a person posts ad without registration, his phone number does not appear. I dont need custom field for that - i want to use his same 'mobile number' that he used while posting an ad.
9- I am getting emails from
[email protected] - how can i remove osclass from emails
From: Hafeez Centre Pakistan Classifieds <
[email protected]>
10- I see \r\n in emails. How can i remove that \r\n from emails.
11- How to apply that banner / slider that you have here at homepage