thats show email checkbox on item post.php function,
how to create same for phone,
<?php ItemForm::show_phone_checkbox() ; ?>
<?php ItemForm::show_email_checkbox() ; ?>
thats core function of check email, how to create same for phone,
looking for help.
<?php ItemForm::show_phone_checkbox(); ?> <label for="showPhone"><?php _e('Show Phone on the listing page', 'veronika'); ?></label>
static public function show_email_checkbox($item = null) {
if($item==null) { $item = osc_item(); };
if( Session::newInstance()->_getForm('showEmail') != 0) {
$item['b_show_email'] = Session::newInstance()->_getForm('showEmail');
parent::generic_input_checkbox('showEmail', '1', (isset($item['b_show_email']) ) ? $item['b_show_email'] : false );
return true;