I already know how to automate the text in the Description field:
static protected function generic_textarea($name, $value) {
$name = osc_esc_html($name);
if($value=='') echo '<textarea id="' . preg_replace('|([^_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)|', '', $name) . '" name="' . $name . '" rows="10">HERE YOUR PREDEFINED TEXT</textarea>';
in the form.form.class.php file of oc-includes / osclass / frm
And to finish the automation, I need to know how to put the predefined text in the E-mail field
By the way, for the next version of Veronika you could put in the settings a box if you want to leave a predefined text in the fields of Title, Description or E-mail.
The idea of the predefined e-mail is because there are those who do not use the e-mail or do not have it and want to only put their mobile phone number. And so do not leave so many errors of "must fill X field"
The question is:
How do you put the predefined text in the e-mail field?