Hello! Tell me how to change the number of user ads displayed in the public profile?
<?phpfunction cust_change_user_items_publicProfile_amount() { $section = osc_get_osclass_section(); if (osc_get_osclass_location() == "user" && ($section == "items" || $section == "pub_profile")) Params::setParam('itemsPerPage', 24);}osc_add_hook('init', 'cust_change_user_items_publicProfile_amount');?>
Quote from: atba on January 26, 2019, 12:17:44 PMHello! Tell me how to change the number of user ads displayed in the public profile?Add this code to the end of functions.php:Code: [Select]<?phpfunction cust_change_user_items_publicProfile_amount() { $section = osc_get_osclass_section(); if (osc_get_osclass_location() == "user" && ($section == "items" || $section == "pub_profile")) Params::setParam('itemsPerPage', 24);}osc_add_hook('init', 'cust_change_user_items_publicProfile_amount');?>You can change the number in itemsPerPage...