Hello, for logged in users there is the contact form on the item.php page. If a logged in user wants to send a message, their name and email address is entered automatically in the input fields. However, I want to make these fields read only because i don't want them to use another email address other than the one they registered with. I'm not using unregistered users so there is no need to change name and address in the fields.
The code to change I suspect is this
<?php ContactForm::your_name(); ?>
<label><?php _e('Name', 'veronika') ; ?></label>
<div class="row second">
<?php ContactForm::your_email(); ?>
<label><span><?php _e('E-mail', 'veronika'); ?></span><span class="req">*</span></label>
<?php } ?>
<div class="row full">
<?php ContactForm::your_message(); ?>
<?php osc_run_hook('item_contact_form', osc_item_id()); ?>
<?php osc_show_recaptcha(); ?>
<?php osc_run_hook("anr_captcha_form_field"); ?>
But how do I get started? Seems simple and will probably be simple, but my idea doesn't work :-) Anyone an idea? Thanks