Order : CILFLPPMD Placed on 2017-06-23 04:29:32
www.adyflik.comIssue : Search or Filter functionality is not working in entire theme.
Note : No additional plugins are activated other than mb-themes and OsClass. So no issue regarding 3rd party unsupported plugins.
Details how to reproduce issue :Method 1: Go to
www.adyflik.com Home page.
Now In main search type Mumbai(City of Maharashtra Region) in dropdown it will suggested. Select Mumbai - Maharaashtra and press Search button. Result is -> " Whooops, no listing match search criteria..." , but in real there are ads posted for that city.
Issue is same for other Cities and Regions also.
Please Refer
https://gyazo.com/02a06d432c8417d9cd4bcd1e92cb18fd for the step
Method 2: Go to
www.adyflik.com Home page.
Select Mobiles-Tablets from the Category Dropdown. and Press Search button and see the result. Result is -> " Whooops, no listing match search criteria..." , but in real there are around 30 ads posted for that sub category.
Issue is same for other Categories also.
Please Refer
https://gyazo.com/420d1efe7d65795cbe9cfe074c9fac1d for the step
Method 3: Go to
www.adyflik.com Home page.
Press Mobiles-Tablets category Icon on home page under search panel. Now again select sub category Mobile Phones and see the result. Result is -> " Whooops, no listing match search criteria..." , but in real there are around 30 ads posted for that sub category.
Issue is same for other Categories and Sub-Categories also.
Please Refer
https://gyazo.com/9f3cf037055d621602f03eb0f0bf2a91 for the step
Method 4: Go to
www.adyflik.com Home page.
Scroll down at right side bottom, where popular regions are displayed. Click on any of the region, say Example Gujarat and see the result. Result is -> " Whooops, no listing match search criteria..." , but in real there are ads posted for that Region.
Issue is same for other Regions also.
Please Refer
https://gyazo.com/34e074e9b85e843b21e0e2707e097c5f for the step
Conclusion : In Short Neither Search nor Filter Functionality is working in veronika theme.
Please help us soon to solve the issue.