I've bought your theme today and I like it, looks nice and clean. Thought you use Bootstrap, but it isn't

what do you use? is there anywhere an info to use a grid system etc.? like to change something.
Here some points from me:
1. On Zara product page to order this nice theme you wrote: "Also Zara theme contains Favorite items plugin that is premium (paid) and is exclusively delivered with this theme for free and fully integrated to it." within the downloaded zip file, there is no "favorite items plugin" and on installed version i cant find the options for users. What do I wrong or have i misunderstood the line above, that the plugin is included?
2. How is it possible to show own pages on mobile menu?
3. Is it possible to show latest items on mobile FrontPage?
4. It would be nice if it were possible to setup some page sections within the adminare to show on mobile or not.
good luck with sales for this nice theme and thanks for reply