Finally i have got to work for Custom fields! Here is the solution:
In index.php :
View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('user', User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_item_user_id()));
Add Code Below: View::newInstance()->_erase('metafields');
// prepare arrays to be posted
$image_id = implode(",", $image_id);
$image_path = implode(",", $image_path);
$image_ext = implode(",", $image_ext);
Add Code Below:
// Get & store all custom fields for the current item
if( osc_count_item_meta() > 0 ) {
for ( $mindex = 0; osc_has_item_meta() ; $mindex++ ) {
$meta_id[] = osc_item_meta_id();
$meta_name[] = osc_item_meta_name();
$meta_value[] = osc_item_meta_value();
// prepare arrays to be posted
$meta_id = implode(",", $meta_id);
$meta_name = implode(",", $meta_name);
$meta_value = implode(",", $meta_value);
View::newInstance()->_reset('resources') ; //reset resources array (no helper function exisits for this as of now, but has been suggested)
Add Code Below:
View::newInstance()->_reset('metafields') ;
<form name="printform" id="printform" action="'.$path.'print.php" method="post" target="printme" onsubmit="formpopup();">
Add Code Below:
<input type="hidden" name="meta_id" value="'.htmlspecialchars($meta_id).'">
<input type="hidden" name="meta_name" value="'.htmlspecialchars($meta_name).'">
<input type="hidden" name="meta_value" value="'.htmlspecialchars($meta_value).'">
In print.php :
// Get posted data
Add Code Below:
$meta_id = explode(",",$_POST['meta_id']);
$meta_name = explode(",",$_POST['meta_name']);
$meta_value = explode(",",$_POST['meta_value']);
<div id="desc">
$dd = explode("Tweet$", $desc, 2);
$first = $arr[0];
<b><?php _e('Description', 'printad'); ?>:</b> <?php echo $dd[0]; ?>
Add Code Below:
<b><?php _e('Additional Informations', 'printad'); ?>:</b><br>
<?php if($meta_id[0]!=''){ ?>
<?php for($dindex=0; $dindex<count($meta_id); $dindex++){ ?>
<?php if($meta_value[$dindex]!=''){ ?>
<li><?php echo $meta_id[$dindex]; ?> - <?php echo $meta_name[$dindex]; ?> : <?php echo $meta_value[$dindex]; ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
If you don't want to show meta id delete:
<?php echo $meta_id[$dindex]; ?> -
from print.php
Here is the full code if you need it:
Plugin Name: Print Ad
Plugin URI:
Description: Allows users to print an ad
Version: 3.0
Author: Jesse modified by
Author URI:
Short Name: printad
function print_ad() {
// make user information available
View::newInstance()->_exportVariableToView('user', User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey(osc_item_user_id()));
$path = osc_base_url() . 'oc-content/plugins/print_ad/';
// Get item data
$desc = osc_item_description();
$desc = htmlspecialchars($desc);
$title = htmlspecialchars(osc_item_title());
$pr = explode("<div", osc_item_formated_price(), 2);
$price = $pr[0];
$pub_date = osc_item_pub_date();
$country = osc_item_country();
$region = osc_item_region();
$city = osc_item_city();
$zip = osc_item_zip();
// store user information
$phone = osc_user_phone();
$mobil = osc_user_phone_mobile();
$mobil2 = osc_item_city_area();
$website = osc_user_website();
$address = osc_user_address();
// Get & store all the image data for the current item
if( osc_count_item_resources() > 0 ) {
for ( $pindex = 0; osc_has_item_resources() ; $pindex++ ) {
$image_id[] = osc_resource_id();
$image_path[] = osc_resource_path();
$image_ext[] = osc_resource_extension();
// prepare arrays to be posted
$image_id = implode(",", $image_id);
$image_path = implode(",", $image_path);
$image_ext = implode(",", $image_ext);
// Get & store all custom fields for the current item
if( osc_count_item_meta() > 0 ) {
for ( $mindex = 0; osc_has_item_meta() ; $mindex++ ) {
$meta_id[] = osc_item_meta_id();
$meta_name[] = osc_item_meta_name();
$meta_value[] = osc_item_meta_value();
// prepare arrays to be posted
$meta_id = implode(",", $meta_id);
$meta_name = implode(",", $meta_name);
$meta_value = implode(",", $meta_value);
View::newInstance()->_reset('resources') ; //reset resources array (no helper function exisits for this as of now, but has been suggested)
View::newInstance()->_reset('metafields') ;
echo '
function formpopup()
{"about :blank","printme","width=750,height=600,scrollbars=yes,menubar=yes");
return true;
<form name="printform" id="printform" action="'.$path.'print.php" method="post" target="printme" onsubmit="formpopup();">
<input type="hidden" name="meta_id" value="'.htmlspecialchars($meta_id).'">
<input type="hidden" name="meta_name" value="'.htmlspecialchars($meta_name).'">
<input type="hidden" name="meta_value" value="'.htmlspecialchars($meta_value).'">
<input type="hidden" name="image_id" value="'.htmlspecialchars($image_id).'">
<input type="hidden" name="image_path" value="'.htmlspecialchars($image_path).'">
<input type="hidden" name="image_ext" value="'.htmlspecialchars($image_ext).'">
<input type="hidden" name="contact_name" value="'.osc_item_contact_name().'">
<input type="hidden" name="contact_email" value="'.osc_item_contact_email().'">
<input type="hidden" name="contact_email_en" value="'.osc_item_show_email().'">
<input type="hidden" name="contact_phone" value="'.$phone.'">
<input type="hidden" name="mobil" value="'.$mobil.'">
<input type="hidden" name="mobil2" value="'.$mobil2.'">
<input type="hidden" name="contact_website" value="'.$website.'">
<input type="hidden" name="contact_address" value="'.$address.'">
<input type="hidden" name="site_title" value="'.osc_page_title().'">
<input type="hidden" name="site_url" value="'.osc_base_url().'">
<input type="hidden" name="desc" value="'.$desc.'">
<input type="hidden" name="title" value="'.$title.'">
<input type="hidden" name="price" value="'.$price.'">
<input type="hidden" name="pub_date" value="'.$pub_date.'">
<input type="hidden" name="country" value="'.$country.'">
<input type="hidden" name="region" value="'.$region.'">
<input type="hidden" name="city" value="'.$city.'">
<input type="hidden" name="zip" value="'.$zip.'">
<a id="print_ad" href="#" onClick="formpopup();document.printform.submit();return false;" class="tr1" title="' . __('Print this page friendly', 'print_ad') . '"><i class="fa fa-print tr1"></i></a>
'; //end echo
} //end print_ad()
// This is needed in order to be able to activate the plugin
osc_register_plugin(osc_plugin_path(__FILE__), '') ;
// This is a hack to show a Uninstall link at plugins table (you could also use some other hook to show a custom option panel)
osc_add_hook(osc_plugin_path(__FILE__) . '_uninstall', '') ;
// Enable OSClass functions
define('ABS_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . '/');
require_once ABS_PATH . 'oc-load.php';
// Get posted data
$meta_id = explode(",",$_POST['meta_id']);
$meta_name = explode(",",$_POST['meta_name']);
$meta_value = explode(",",$_POST['meta_value']);
$image_id = explode(",",$_POST['image_id']);
$image_path = explode(",",$_POST['image_path']);
$image_ext = explode(",",$_POST['image_ext']);
$contact_phone = $_POST['contact_phone'];
$mobil = $_POST['mobil'];
$mobil2 = $_POST['mobil2'];
$contact_website = $_POST['contact_website'];
$contact_name = $_POST['contact_name'];
$contact_email = $_POST['contact_email'];
$contact_email_en = $_POST['contact_email_en'];
$contact_address = $_POST['contact_address'];
$site_title = $_POST['site_title'];
$site_url = $_POST['site_url'];
$desc = stripslashes($_POST['desc']);
$title = stripslashes($_POST['title']);
$price = $_POST['price'];
$pub_date = $_POST['pub_date'];
$country = $_POST['country'];
$region = $_POST['region'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$zip = $_POST['zip'];
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" dir="ltr" lang="en-US">
<link href="<?php echo osc_current_web_theme_url('style.css'); ?>" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php _e('Print Ad','printad'); ?></title>
<script language="javascript">function printpage(){window.print();}</script>
<script language="javascript">
function toggle() {
var ele = document.getElementById("pics");
var text = document.getElementById("displayText");
if( == "none") { = "block";
text.innerHTML = "<?php _e('Hide photos','printad'); ?>";
else { = "none";
text.innerHTML = "<?php _e('Show photos','printad'); ?>";
<body id="print-ad-body">
<div id="title">
<font size="5"><?php echo $title; ?></font>
<div id="print" style="font-weight:bold;padding-top: 4px;padding-right: 4px;color:#278827;"><a href="#" onclick="printpage();"><?php _e('Print!','printad'); ?></a></div>
<div id="info">
<b><?php _e('Address','printad'); ?>:</b><br><?php if($contact_address!='') echo $contact_address.'<br>'; ?><?php echo $city.', '.$region; ?><br>
<b><?php _e('Published','printad'); ?>:</b><br><?php echo osc_format_date($pub_date); ?><br>
<b><?php _e('Contact info','printad'); ?>:</b><br>
<?php if($contact_name!='') echo $contact_name.'<br>'; ?>
<?php if($contact_phone!='')echo $contact_phone.'<br>'; ?>
<?php if($contact_phone=='' && $mobil != '')echo $mobil.'<br>'; ?>
<?php if($contact_phone=='' && $mobil == '' && $mobil2 != '')echo $mobil2.'<br>'; ?>
<?php if($contact_email!='' && $contact_email_en == 1)echo $contact_email. '<br>'; ?>
<?php if($contact_website!='')echo $contact_website.'<br>'; ?>
<b><?php _e('Price','printad'); ?>:</b><br><?php echo $price; ?><br>
<div id="desc">
$dd = explode("Tweet$", $desc, 2);
$first = $arr[0];
<b><?php _e('Description', 'printad'); ?>:</b> <?php echo $dd[0]; ?>
<b><?php _e('Additional Informations', 'printad'); ?>:</b><br>
<?php if($meta_id[0]!=''){ ?>
<?php for($dindex=0; $dindex<count($meta_id); $dindex++){ ?>
<?php if($meta_value[$dindex]!=''){ ?>
<li><?php echo $meta_id[$dindex]; ?> - <?php echo $meta_name[$dindex]; ?> : <?php echo $meta_value[$dindex]; ?></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($image_id[0]!=''){ ?>
<div id="pictures">
<a id="displayText" href="javascript:toggle();"><?php _e('Hide photos','printad'); ?></a>
<div id="pics">
<?php for($index=0; $index<count($image_id); $index++){ ?>
<li><img src="<?php echo $image_path[$index].$image_id[$index].'_thumbnail.'.$image_ext[$index]; ?>" width="140"></li>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<div id="footer">
<?php echo __('This listing is placed on','printad') . ' '; ?> <b><?php echo $site_title.'</b> - <i>'.$site_url; ?></i>