Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass
Osclass theme support => Zara Osclass Responsive Theme => Topic started by: jcarrolo01 on October 05, 2017, 11:27:48 PM
On my site, i'm using Zara theme....
I have one category with the adult contente (Explicit Sex)....
I'd like to know if anyone can help me to prevent the listings on this category be dispayed in latest listings, in show all listings and search listings?????
I appretiate any help you can provide me on this.....
Best Regards
Well, read this:
Thanks allot for your post... This question is solved... Thanks allot....
No I have a small question, and maybe someone can help me...
I also remove the AD's being displayed in "latest Listings" from that specific category for adult content...
For that in main.php I add the code in RED
<?php if( osc_count_latest_items() > 0) { ?>
<div class="block">
<div class="wrap">
<?php $c = 1; ?>
<?php while( osc_has_latest_items() ) { ?>
<!-- JDK -->
<!-- Here should be placed the block to limit the listings be displayed in latest categories -->
<?php if (in_array(osc_item_category_id(), array(140, 421, 611, 612, 613, 614, 422, 615, 618, 619, 620, 423, 621, 617, 616, 424, 622, 623, 624, 625, 425, 626, 627, 628, 608, 629, 630, 609, 631, 632, 633, 634, 610, 635, 637, 638, 636, 639, 426))) continue; ?>
<!-- JDK -->
<?php klass24_draw_item($c, 'gallery'); ?>
<?php $c++; ?>
<?php } ?>
The strange thing is, when I start adding AD's inside this Special categories in array, the listing in latest listings start disappearing...
Like you can see on the image, 4 listings disappear.. because I had some AD's inside the special category in the array
And if you place new ads?
I saw this also time ago. But at the moment all the ads are showing at the homepage.
I cant remember what i did to solve this
Thanks for your reply... I have allways set 12 yhe number of listings to be shown in latest listings.... When i start having new listings (around 20), in adult category, the number of ad's in latest listings reduce allot, so i need to increase from 12 to 36 to have 14 in latest listings...
If i place a new listing in a empty category, 1 listing will desapear from the latest listings.... If i place a listing in a category already with Ad's, nothing happens
On the array I use the id of category, sub-categories and sub-sub.categories... it's here the problem??????
Anyone can help??????
If you set to show 12 latest listings and just 5 are ok, nased on your filter only 5 of them will be shown.
Replace latest function with osc_query_item function.