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Zara - Theme settings
« on: June 26, 2017, 05:14:04 PM »
Several questions around Theme settings:

1. I have enabled Parent categories (i.e. no subcategories), how can I disable the popup windows when users click on categories on the main page?
2. How can I upload my Favicon Image using Zara Theme settings? If not, how do go about it?
3. How can I upload a new search video using Zara Theme settings? If not, how to go about it?
4. How to upgrade "Favorite Items" plugin, as when I attempt to , it displays "This is a paid item, you need to buy it before you are able to download it"?
5. Under the manage plugins: “Cookies warning” & “Zara Configurator” has a question mark next to both and states “’Problem with this plugin? As for Support”.  Please advice.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2017, 05:25:47 PM by alsharif »


MB Themes

Re: Zara - Theme settings
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2017, 08:51:15 PM »
1) in inc.category.php find code:
Code: [Select]
<?php if(osc_is_home_page()) { ?>href="#ct<?php echo osc_category_id(); ?>"<?php } else { ?>href="<?php echo osc_search_url($search_params); ?>"<?php ?>
Replace with:
Code: [Select]
href="<?php echo osc_search_url($search_params); ?>"
2) Use your own css for your own font icons. You can upload image icon.
3) Upload it to folder oc-content/themes/zara/video
4) Free plugins may not contain latest versions of plugin. If you want to be up-to-date everytime, I recommend to purchase plugin.
5) Well, it probably means, that if you have problem, you should ask for support. Please mail info@osclass.org for explanation of this message.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots



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Re: Zara - Theme settings
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2017, 04:57:56 AM »
In inc.category.php replaced code as requested but popup as shown below, but I still get the popup in home page
Code: [Select]
<a rel="<?php echo osc_category_id(); ?>"   
     href="<?php echo osc_search_url($search_params); ?>"                 
     <?php if(osc_is_home_page()) { ?>class="open-home-cat"<?php ?>
     <?php if(osc_is_home_page()) { ?>title="<?php _e('Show subcategories of''zara'); ?> <?php echo osc_category_name(); ?>"<?php ?>

Point #2: Where do I upload the Favicon image to. please elaborate.


MB Themes

Re: Zara - Theme settings
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2017, 09:14:24 AM »
Hmm, try to replace with this one:
Code: [Select]
<a rel="<?php echo osc_category_id(); ?>" href="<?php echo osc_search_url($search_params); ?>" >
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots



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Re: Zara - Theme settings
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2017, 10:32:39 AM »
Thank you frosticek. it works like a charm. :)
How about Favicon? I realize that I need to add the link in the head.php, right,  between  <head> </head> tags ( that I need to add as they do not exist)  pointing to a directory under images, right?


MB Themes

Re: Zara - Theme settings
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2017, 03:28:55 PM »
check how font awesome is integrated.
  To get fast support, we need following details: Detail description, URL to reproduce problem, Screenshots