This is exactly the problem.
It must be optional if the Categories are formulated as follows:
Let's take the REAL ESTATE category
- Apartments for sale
- Apartments for rent
- Apartments for purchase
-Studios for sale
-Studios for rent
In this case, yes, it can be optional because you already have a clear tie directly from the category tree. That is, sale, rent, purchase. All separately.
Instead, when you have the category tree like this:
...type "Transaction" and "Condition" must be mandatory.
in "Transaction" you separate Sales from Purchases, Rentals, etc.
Likewise in "CONdition".
Make the following imaginary transactions:
I want to sell an apartment and at the same time buy a studio.
In this case, if the "Transaction" and "Condition" types are not mandatory, and I do not choose anything between these two, how do I publish these ads?
In the pile?
A user enters the site and is interested in the SALE ads in Real Estate - Apartments.
You must filter these ads in the search bar, Transaction - Sale
If in my ad, when publishing, the TRANSACTION - SALE tab was not selected, the User who is only looking for Apartments for Sale, will not be shown any search results.
Logically... why should I inflate the category tree to "optionally" keep the type of TRANSACTION and CONDITION, when I can separate Purchase Sale and Rent through the "TRANSACTION" Tab?
As I said above, if I keep the two tabs only optional, it means that I inflate the category tree a lot.
I don't think it's right, not even in terms of appearance, but especially in terms of functionality.
If, after my explanation, you still maintain that those tabs are optional, please give me the solution and the code to make them mandatory.