On Log In form:
- whenever CSS style is applied to checkboxes or not on plugin settings page, it does not have any effect, the checkbox looks the same
theme should care about styling, I was not able to reproduce issue.
- Remember Me checkbox/link doesnt work, checkbox cant be ticked nor unticked
will be fixed in next update
On Sign In form:
- when clicking on the links for TOC and PP A NEW open gets open with those pages (user should be keept on one window, no point for opening TOC in a new window)
if it would not be like that, you would complain why it does not open in new window. Reason is simple, link is at bottom of page, this means if I click to read content there (in same window), I would got wiped out whole form and would need to fill it again. 95% chance I would not do it again
- after link has been clicked and a new window open, tickboxes gets active (ticked on), to deactivate checkboxes those link needs be clicked again... It can't be that way. Checkboxes are independent elements and should be active/not active by clicking directly on them.
as link is inside label, it triggers click, I will check wheter is possible to disable click event