« on: September 09, 2021, 08:09:57 AM »
We are happy to announce there was major redevelopment and redesign of plugin.
What has changed?
- Plugin name changed to Banners & Advertisement Plugin
- backoffice design has been completely changed
- banners and advertisement management is much easier now
- added new tips and notices into plugin so it is easy for newcomers to setup the plugin
- removed redundant and unnecessary styles & scripts from back-office. Removed Open-Sans font at all.
- front-office styles and scripts has been removed and merged directly into code (due to low size) in order to negate impact of plugin on website speed or SEO
- added javascript validation functions on advert size to avoid confusion and invalid values
- advertisement preview URL changed to /advertisement-preview/{key}
« Last Edit: September 09, 2021, 08:46:54 AM by MB Themes »


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