Please update all in one seo plugin to 3.1.2
and now, the bomb
I can not update the plug-in because the plug-in I bought from the official osclass market, when you still sell products there, and so I come back to the discussion I've had with you and other forums.
And I'll have it with your team and who does not want to understand that you do not give the opportunity to people who have already bought from your ossclas brand your products to update them, or another method by which to update the purchased products from the official osclass market.
Well, understand that since I started having problems updating the products, I only bought the new products offered on your market.
And it is not right for me to buy those products that I can not update again, just because you no longer work with the osclass market.
I have some 4-5 products bought there and I can not update it, see below 3 examples.
All in One SEO Plugin Purchase date 2017-03-11 20:51:22
Veronika Theme with Live Search Date of purchase 2017-03-10 16:59:50
Favorite Items Plugin Purchase date 2017-03-16 19:15:40
So please offer a solution that can be compatible and offer the possibility for your products to be compatible with each other.
Thank you, I expect an official response