Support Forums - Classified Ads Script Osclass

General osclass questions => Feature request => Topic started by: MB Themes on January 23, 2022, 10:31:41 AM

Title: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 23, 2022, 10:31:41 AM
I am just curious, is there some feature in osclass that  you incredibely miss?  :o
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Vlad7 on January 23, 2022, 08:19:28 PM
in the classifieds section, there is no premium ending line. The administrator has to go on behalf of the user to his profile and look at the premium placement period, or look in the osclass pay plugin in the logs section, if you can find it, but that's not all, you have to manually check out the period if paid for example for two months. To do this, you need to count the number of days from the date of payment.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 23, 2022, 08:36:34 PM
Well this should be handled by osclass pay / payment plugin - via cron.
It does not make sense to implement into core as then you have other questions - expiration (how to set different per category), different prices, different options, ... => Handle by plugin
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: tomi327 on January 23, 2022, 09:07:42 PM
1. Multiple categories select on search page.
2. 4th level of location - state, region, 4...., city /or/ state, region, city, 4.... + ZIP code
3. More attributes types. For example:
- search from-to option from predefined numbers (years, sizes....)
4. Filter + bulk actions in user backoffice. Its hard for users to manage own items if they have 100+ items (car dealers, real estates...)

Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 24, 2022, 09:16:19 AM
1) it is possible, osclass supports it. Problem is in theme integration, it usually hard to design
2) city area is there, but never integrated after city... but you are talking about level above city so quite hard to make it perfect for everyone :)
3)  ::)
4) yes, but it must be combination of Osclass support and theme support.

Thanks for feedback ;)
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: StefanGr on January 25, 2022, 04:25:28 AM
1. A more user friendly backoffice administration  ( really hard to browse between installed plugins , although it's more of a css feature )
2. Abilities to customize the Feature listings / normal listings  ( set specific categories or sub,to be displayed on maing page, search page, main "slider" etc.)
 2.1 Set specific number of listings from categories to be displayed ( 10 listings on premium , 15 listings on normal..  10 from X category , 5 from X category and so on )
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 25, 2022, 07:44:44 AM
1) I am maybe too used on how it works :) ... what is your suggestion? Can you share some screenshot/mockup that would present better solution?
2) This is more-less question on themes itself, problem here is that there is more focus on functionality and design, then on configuration parameters. That is why is good to have basic PHP/HTML/CSS skills when working with Osclass.
2.1) I think most of themes has option to define number of listings in block already, but not counts based on categories.

Thanks for feedback ;)
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: StefanGr on January 25, 2022, 11:41:52 AM
1) I am maybe too used on how it works :) ... what is your suggestion? Can you share some screenshot/mockup that would present better solution?
2) This is more-less question on themes itself, problem here is that there is more focus on functionality and design, then on configuration parameters. That is why is good to have basic PHP/HTML/CSS skills when working with Osclass.
2.1) I think most of themes has option to define number of listings in block already, but not counts based on categories.

Thanks for feedback ;)
1.Well, bellow i made a "mockup" if it can be called like that, and an example of what i'm using right now to better see the menus
2. A plugin for that would sell.
3. Indeed , but limited  :). For a customer point of view, and from a targeted  listing point of view, this is required.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 25, 2022, 12:07:15 PM
I see your point, but that table view is historical and iconic for Osclass  :-*
I was checking wordpress solution but current one looked to be more clear and intuitive...
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: StefanGr on January 25, 2022, 07:15:02 PM
I see your point, but that table view is historical and iconic for Osclass  :-*
I was checking wordpress solution but current one looked to be more clear and intuitive...
No problem on that.. but a big bigger ! and not with that grey. Some ppl wear glasses  ??? ::) ::) ::)
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 25, 2022, 09:38:16 PM
Called "compact"  ;D
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Tango on January 26, 2022, 02:58:44 PM
I think that this ( is one of the essential features that is missing from Osclass.
All other major classifieds scripts have it.

After discussing it with some other devs, its indeed a core+theme matter, not easily solvable by just a plugin.

Also, it would be nice to be able to beautify the User Public Profile URL, like this plugin ( does.
So instead of the URL would be something like
This would be nice when you have vendors that want to create their stores on your website, as they will have a friendly URL that can be easily shared: e.g.:

Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: 7ala on January 27, 2022, 02:47:51 PM
If these plugins can be combined with osclass
Admin tools login
Auto-Language Plugin
currency search
Find By ID Plugin
 :D ;)
Thank you all
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 27, 2022, 04:17:16 PM
Plugins are extensions, not all should be included.
Typical mistakes is rush to include as much features, i.e.:
- gdpr features
- map features

.... but, what if your classifieds does not need map? what is reason to have it? How to enrich these features to fine tune it.. plugin that duplicates 40% of functionality? What if i.e. API or GDPR rules changes?
And what if I am from Chile and does not need GDPR at all, and do not even know what GDPR is?
Same with i.e. auto-language, it brings complexity, redirects, ... what if I do not need it?
Currency search is same, currency search without currency conversion is non-sense.

Just feedback that not all features can be implemented, but I am making notes :D
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: 7ala on January 27, 2022, 04:54:50 PM
Plugins are extensions, not all should be included.
Typical mistakes is rush to include as much features, i.e.:
- gdpr features
- map features

.... but, what if your classifieds does not need map? what is reason to have it? How to enrich these features to fine tune it.. plugin that duplicates 40% of functionality? What if i.e. API or GDPR rules changes?
And what if I am from Chile and does not need GDPR at all, and do not even know what GDPR is?
Same with i.e. auto-language, it brings complexity, redirects, ... what if I do not need it?
Currency search is same, currency search without currency conversion is non-sense.

Just feedback that not all features can be implemented, but I am making notes :D

what i mean
For Admin tools login
1 - Since osclass is multilingual, it is better to integrate this plugin
In the list of languages in the control panel, tick On demand.
2 - Referring to Find By ID Plugin
There is an id for each item
On the search page, you cannot search by id
Unless you activate the Plugin
It is better to be in osclass.
3 - Search feature by currency on the search page
This is not found in osclass
Unless you activate the addon.
4 - Admin tools login feature
How do I control customer ads when I can't log in?
To advertise only through this Plugin
All of them are better to be combined with osclass
Thank you all :-*
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on January 27, 2022, 05:27:39 PM
Not sure what admin tools plugin does.
2 make sense  8)
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: 7ala on January 28, 2022, 03:34:02 PM
Don't forget the feature
When registering
The email is already registered and has not been activated

Do you want to send an activation email?

Thank you all
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Silvia on April 14, 2022, 12:17:39 PM
1) it is possible, osclass supports it. Problem is in theme integration, it usually hard to design
2) city area is there, but never integrated after city... but you are talking about level above city so quite hard to make it perfect for everyone :)
3)  ::)
4) yes, but it must be combination of Osclass support and theme support.

Thanks for feedback ;)

Me too.

I miss a lot Province befor Cities.

In Italy we goes by (State) -> Region -> Province -> City

This kind of suddivision is completely missing in OsClass!
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on April 14, 2022, 01:34:20 PM
Osclass does not (and will not) use different location structure than Country > Region > City, if your business is in italy only, you can rename it to State > Province > City and manually add all values.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Silvia on April 14, 2022, 07:03:24 PM
Osclass does not (and will not) use different location structure than Country > Region > City, if your business is in italy only, you can rename it to State > Province > City and manually add all values.

Thank you so much, but, sorry I don't understand...
Where I can rename tables? in PhpMyAdmin? or I can do it in oc-admin?

The point is that here in Italy we need Regions -> Provinces -> Cities .... Also in Spain and others countries, not only in Europe.

Do you think we can do this change in OsClass? Put a new table between Regions and Cities?

My motto is "never say that's impossible!" ;)
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on April 14, 2022, 09:05:16 PM
You can rename things via translation file.
You can manage locations from backoffice.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Silvia on April 20, 2022, 06:44:56 PM
You can rename things via translation file.
You can manage locations from backoffice.

Hi, I'm changing tables and convert Cities in Provinces. Then ads will contain the city written by the user, not chosen by dropdown list.

I think it will be a great thing to have correct way to insert ads with the choice of state, region, province, city.

This is a really the more useful feature to me in OsClass, and I think it's pretty simple to add in osclass core.

I would like to do it by myself but I have to study again how to set this in Php (and in SQL table too).

Is a long time ago I was a programeer, I forgot too much!!!   :-[
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on April 20, 2022, 08:02:01 PM
It would actually be very complex work with no benefit for most of users.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Fantasy on May 08, 2022, 05:53:23 PM
1. Multiple locations for the same ad.
2. Multiple premium levels, with the name of level and order of the display created and set by the admin (e.g. Premium Silver, Premium Gold, Premium Diamond, and the order of the display to be Diamond, Gold, Silver).
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Fantasy on May 11, 2022, 06:38:25 AM
3. Possibility to add a visible text of 500-1000 words, displayed under ads, for each city and region, not just title and meta description. I consider it a must-have from an SEO point of view for cities and regions, to have a better position in the SERP.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on May 11, 2022, 05:55:47 PM
Who would do that in US with 50k cities?
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Fantasy on May 11, 2022, 06:04:00 PM
I would create text content only for big cities, the first 100 or 200 in terms of population. For the rest of the smaller cities I wouldn't write this texr content.
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on May 11, 2022, 06:57:40 PM
This can be handled by seo plugin..  or at lest should be, it is clearly seo request, do not see sny other point in that
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: Skywalker on May 16, 2022, 06:45:01 PM
I personally find the process of adding child-categories a bit cumbersome. If the 'Parent Category' can be set while adding / editing a category (on the 'edit category' page), it would be much easier and less time consuming to arrange the child categories.

Is it possible to implement it in the core OSClass?
Title: Re: What is the feature you miss the most?
Post by: MB Themes on May 16, 2022, 07:01:29 PM
Do you mean subcategories sort?