For "Highlight" and "Show image" features please make sure your theme contains hook highlight_class. Some theme like bender already contains it, but some of them may not. If Highligh / Show image does not work for you, please go to your theme folder. If your theme has files loop-single.php and loop-single-premium.php, continue with section 1, otherwise go to section 2. Section 1 Open files loop-single.php and loop-single-premium.php and check if contains string <?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?> If you can see this code here, everything is setup correctly and no action is required. If not, continue with next step. Locate first html element in this file. It could be <div, <p, <li, <span, <tr If it contains class element, before second apostrophe insert following code: <?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?> After that class element will looks like: class="xxxx xxxx <?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>" If it does not contain class element and let's say it is div element, before first > sign insert following code: class="<?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>" So element will look like (div, p, li, ...) following: <div class="<?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>"> Section 2 Open files search_list.php and search_gallery.php and check if contains string <?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?> If you can see this code here, everything is setup correctly and no action is required. If not, continue with next step. Locate first html element in this file right after line that contains while(osc_has_items()) {. It could be <div, <p, <li, <span, <tr If it contains class element, before second apostrophe insert following code: <?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?> After that class element will looks like: class="xxxx xxxx <?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>" If it does not contain class element and let's say it is div element, before first > sign insert following code: class="<?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>" So element will look like (div, p, li, ...) following: <div class="<?php osc_run_hook("highlight_class"); ?>">