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eCommerce - Business Customers Invoices
« on: January 06, 2022, 07:46:20 PM »
When a company user registers and wants to buy a product using the eCommerce option, in order to justify the purchase with the national fiscal authorities, he will need to receive a compliant invoice that contains his VAT Number, Custom Header etc.

This issue can be solved by the Invoice Osclass Plugin, however, a seller in the Multi-Vendor system doesn't have access to the customers Billing Profiles.

The way I see this fixed, is by linking the Invoice Osclass Plugin - Profiles to the Orders mng. like this:

So when you click on the Invoice Details, a little pop-up window should open with the information set by the customer in his Billing Profile.
  • Int. VAT Number: (row appears if set by the customer)
  • Local VAT Number: (row appears if set by the customer)
  • Invoice Header: (row appears if set by the customer)
  • Shipping Address: (row appears if set by the customer)
  • Osclass Pay checks if Invoice Osclass Plugin is enabled
  • Osclass Pay checks if the user has a Billing Profile set
  • If TRUE, then output the Invoice Details link in Orders mng. - If FALSE, then no link appears
I thought of other ways to implement this, but I think this is the easiest one.

PS: If you consider adding it, a special note should be made in the Osclass Pay Payment Plugin description, that should state that the Invoice Osclass Plugin is needed for Company compliant invoices (plugins cross-selling 8)).

« Last Edit: January 06, 2022, 09:30:28 PM by Tango »


MB Themes

Re: eCommerce - Business Customers Invoices
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2022, 09:56:41 AM »
Thanks for feedback, right now this seems to be feature for extremely small audience and do not plan this in upcoming quarters  :'(
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Re: eCommerce - Business Customers Invoices
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2022, 11:54:02 AM »
Well this is actually more important than you think. :D

I am located in a country in the EU and currently I run a company that sells some products on a popular marketplace in my country.
I have around 40 orders per week, and ~3 of those orders each week are from business customers.
Now if the marketplace wouldn't provide them with an option to enter their company details, and me with the option to see those details, then I would actually lose those 3 orders.
This translates to a whooping ~144 lost orders/year. :o

It's because in the EU, if you are a business and you buy a product or a service from another business (B2B), it's required by law to have a compliant invoice that contains the fiscal details of both companies (VAT no, Company ID, Address etc.).

So it's great that the Invoice Plugin solves this issue, we just need to link it to the Pay Plugin Seller-Orders mng.

But yes, it's not an urgent one, it can wait until you have the time.

Thanks! :P
« Last Edit: January 07, 2022, 12:13:12 PM by Tango »