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General discussion / Re: Plural words problem
« Last post by Alej on Yesterday at 06:02:30 PM »
In this way, if I search for "tshirts", internally it searches for matches like "tshir**" (in case of removing the last 2 characters), but the user is shown that their search was "tshits"?
General discussion / Re: "offers", "review" or "aggregaterating"
« Last post by MB Themes on Yesterday at 04:22:50 PM »
Add there attributes you miss.
Google has various docs those hows how it likes it.
Not possible.
You need seo plugin or customization.

I am using Osclass and I would like to know how to translate the Page Title and Page Description based on the language the user is browsing the site in. Currently, the title and description are displayed statically, but I want them to change according to the selected language.

For example:

If the user is browsing the site in Arabic, the title and description should appear in Arabic.
If the user is browsing the site in French, the title and description should appear in French.
And for any other language, the title and description should be shown in that language.
Can I translate these fields by adding translations in the theme's translation file or in the site settings? What is the best way to ensure the title and description are shown in the appropriate language?
General discussion / Re: "offers", "review" or "aggregaterating"
« Last post by Youness Ouchene on Yesterday at 01:39:57 PM »
There is many similar threads around this.
Enable structured data and if needed, modify it and add fake ratings (oc-includes/osclass/structured_data.php)

How do I solve this problem please? I faced it recently, but I did not find a way to correct it.
The field "item" is not included (in "itemListElement")

Can you make it easier for me, send me a CSS code so I can add it to the Theme Customization?
General discussion / Re: Share Button Error Desktop General
« Last post by MB Themes on Yesterday at 10:45:37 AM »
Can you share url please?
General discussion / Re: "offers", "review" or "aggregaterating"
« Last post by MB Themes on Yesterday at 10:44:40 AM »
There is many similar threads around this.
Enable structured data and if needed, modify it and add fake ratings (oc-includes/osclass/structured_data.php)
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