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General discussion / Re: Anyone using Redis cache?
« Last post by Wiz on November 25, 2024, 09:05:41 PM »
I'm using Redis Sentinel via a custom coded cache class (also capable of clustering/sharding) implemented in core, via Predis, and had trashed other caching services/options so my redis config wouldn't be of any use to you as it is an advanced custom config.

For the basic osclass redis config and when you have a local redis instance installed on the same server as osclass, use redis in socket mode which is usually 25 to 30% faster than in tcp mode. Use 1 redis db for php sessions and another db for caching.

What specifically do you need help with?
Favorite Items Plugin / Re: Favorite lists and plugin issues
« Last post by Wiz on November 25, 2024, 08:18:51 PM »
To be honest I've not heard about many users those would really use multiple lists.

Me neither but I always look at things from different angles ie. product/feature differentiation, trailblaze if you will.

I don't mind it going but would like to see instead a better view of the saved favorites ie. pagination, sorting by listing expiry date, price and category maybe (to make up for the removal of the lists) and with of course the ability to notify if price / status changes occur which could be a small alert icon added next to the trash icon.
Backoffice Manager Plugin / Re: Minimum number of password characters
« Last post by kriskoyk on November 25, 2024, 05:14:42 PM »
However, when the booking plugin is enabled, the message appears below the password box, as shown in the photo. How can I make it appear below the password box with the booking plugin disabled? This way it is easier for users to see.

And why does the booking plugin affect the display position of the message?
You can find message in oc-includes/osclass/controller/item.php
Plugin may not be able to stop it.
Backoffice Manager Plugin / Re: Minimum number of password characters
« Last post by MB Themes on November 25, 2024, 03:34:01 PM »
You mean error message? I think it should be on top.
Report bug / Re: Deactivated listings still available via URL
« Last post by MB Themes on November 25, 2024, 03:00:26 PM »
Checked, inactive listing is 404 for user that does not own listing or user that is not logged as admin.
You can test:
Favorite Items Plugin / Re: Favorite lists and plugin issues
« Last post by MB Themes on November 25, 2024, 02:55:41 PM »
To be honest I've not heard about many users those would really use multiple lists.
Favorite Items Plugin / Re: Favorite lists and plugin issues
« Last post by Wiz on November 24, 2024, 10:26:46 PM »
I believe a better way of handling lists is to create and keep a default list option (created upon user account creation and cannot be deleted) with the option to set any list as default (Set as default) and when favoriting, provide options to choose lists to add favorited listings ie.

- When a user favorites a listing (regardless of whether logged in or out) and only the default list is present, it is added to the default list without automatically creating new lists.

- When a user favorites a listing, provide the user with option to select which list to add the favorites to if there is more than 1 (could be an overlay dropdown or search list box with current lists as values) and with option to create new list on the spot, and add a small check box to mark selected or new list as new default (this is very useful when user has a purpose in mind ie. renting apartments, buy car, looking for specific job etc.) - This also ensures the user's journey isn't interrupted (having to go back to the favorites page to create and manage lists).

- Change "CURRENT" to "DEFAULT"

- Change "Items in your list" to "{LIST_NAME} favorites list"

- Change the counter to only log or increment for logged-in users is simple

- Adding a counter to the favorite listings link is also simple

- Show list marked as default on list page load

- Option to move favorites between lists (reassign)
Feature request / Re: Redirect to previous page after login
« Last post by katalin2k on November 24, 2024, 11:24:39 AM »
That could be most probably insecure method, but will review it again.
This has to be rethinked. Another example is when you want to send a message(instant message) to a seller. You visit listing page, click to send a message, you are redirected to login page and after you log in you get redirected to account page, not to the “send message” page. It’s terrible for the user, he has to go back 2-3 times to go back to listing page to send message.
Backoffice Manager Plugin / Re: Minimum number of password characters
« Last post by kriskoyk on November 24, 2024, 11:22:00 AM »
I added to form_passwrd.php, minlength="6" and required so that users are required to enter a password of at least 6 characters.
Here is the whole file:
Code: [Select]

<link href="<?php echo osc_base_url(); ?>oc-content/plugins/backoffice_manager/css/form.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<div class="row">
  <div id="bo_mgr_table">
    <label for="bo_mgr_passwrd"><?php _e('Enter Password''backoffice_manager'); ?></label>
    <input type="text" style="float:left;" name="bo_mgr_passwrd" id="bo_mgr_passwrd" value="<?php if($item_my['passwrd'] <> ''){echo $item_my['passwrd']; } else { echo Params::getParam('passwrd'); } ?>" size="20" minlength="6" maxlength="20" required />
    <div class="bo_info"><?php _e('Used to edit this listing''backoffice_manager');?></div>

The following problem occurs: When I have the booking plugin activated, the message for correct password completion appears at the top, while when I disable booking, the message appears below the password box, which is probably the correct one.
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